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  • Writer's pictureJay Milnor

AI Design Inspiration

Over the last couple weeks it has been fascinating discovering what AI imaging can generate. My wife and I have been talking a lot about taking on a renovation to our home office. Although we each have a ton of ideas on what our ideal home office would be, we are having a tough time reigning our styles in to find something cohesive.

Meanwhile in the background I have been playing with AI imaging to get some inspiration and I'm actually liking some of the ideas that have been generated. Images like the one above make me want to create a space that is light and airy, however to make this specific space we would need floor to ceiling windows and that is wayyy more of a project than were willing to take on. Plus with the accumulation of our kid's legos and my work equipment, a ton of storage is a necessity.

Hopefully by the time summer rolls around one of our thoughts will come to life. Until then, I'm going to keep vision boarding and trying different AI prompts to design an office.

Let me know if you have any ideas or tips you use to generate AI images that spur your inspiration.


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